Friday 22 September 2017

朗朗皇牌color con~粉紅,啡,灰 (My hero contact lenses)

亦因為頂唔順時但又唔鐘意有野隊入隻眼, 自己從小就開始習慣唔帶眼鏡都要睇到野 (度數帶-1.75),
From resistance to acceptance
Like most Hong Kong people, I've been short sighted since primary school, and once wore really ugly glasses too.

Yes, I used to hate wearing glasses and never liked the feeling of being poked in the eye, I got used to NOT wearing glasses since then and it went pretty well that I can actually survive without my glasses (Rating power -1.75).

As I get older, I felt it's important to have color lenses or enlarged lenses to make me look more photogenic.

從 2007~2013我帶開Freshkon 月Con, 因為覺得Freshkon喺我去開既眼鏡店都搵到,又有專業既product care 意見,所以轉色時都係會盡量都係freshkon 之中轉...但呢幾年都會試其他雜乜頭牌子,其實我對眼冇乜事係真係好彩咁去俾選擇自己

Between 2007~2013, I've always been wearing Freshkon as this brand can be found in most optician shops and I was better off getting the professional advice as a first time user, and I would try different colors within Freshkon too.  Within those years, I've tried other different brands that were not available in optician shops, I was rather lucky that I didn't catch any infections either.

自己本身眼珠都算黑,所以帶任何既color con都唔算上色
From 2014: 呢幾年來,市面上既color con比以前多,
My pupils are brown to black, so most color lenses I wear don't show the color very well at all.
From 2014, even more brands and patterns launched, so picking something ai loke become easier too.  I wear grey and brown most times and pink as my newest favourite option.

啡/灰: Barbie lenses (年用)
佢真係一隻啡色,但佢既灰色係來自要好細心d 先睇到既銀閃,係唔知點定義佢係灰定啡,但係我覺得帶上去有點漸變色個感覺係,帶幾多次都係唔會厭~老公生日(8月)同日本影和服相(10月)都係帶住佢....$300~$400 帶到幾個月已經好滿足
Brown/Grey: Barbie lenses (Year)~Price range 300~400
They were written as brown on label but grey comes in the way if you look at it without blinking.  But I always felt that the color changes between the 2 when I wear them, so I never got bored of them too soon.  I wore them for Nelson's birthday dinner and when I dress in kimono during last year's wedding anniversary trip.

啡-Perfect Eyes (日用)
2015年第一次用, 今次用係返兜的, 呢副con係比較natural, 對眼夠精神咁過一日都係一個幾好既選擇,我好怕帶一d大眼con,眼過大但空白無神,加上呢副con係軟身舒服的

Brown~Perfect Eyes (Daily disposal)
Each pack contains 15 pairs.
My first time experience was in 2015, therefore, this time is of me being a return customer.
I certainly look naturally with the result looking more refreshed in this Perfect Eyes collection.  This collection avoided the result in just large eyes with a blank impression.  Moreover, my eyes can remain comfortable with them on all day as well!

粉紅con (月con)
用個Freshkon,用Geo的我,有兩大不滿意既原因,只是因為一係Freshkon 幫唔到我去做放大眼珠既效果,另一隻既Geo,太硬身時隻眼會好快唔舒服

Pink~Monthly Disposal
Both Freshkon and Geo had disadvantages I decided to give up, either my eyes couldn't go any larger or Geo with hard textures that made my eyes dry quicker


近期開始用了Doya Minnion的粉紅,俾晒我最想要既效果我: 眼夠大,又上色,帶得舒服為大前提

Recently, I am completely impressed with Doya Minnion Pink to enlarge my eyes with outstanding color and great comfort all day long.

實店: 新之城:旺角亞皆老街65號 3/F 346


再試更多新既款式再打blog shared 吧!
Will be blogging more about new ones if anymore upcoming!

Friday 8 September 2017

5 Sep: Hoby's Big Day- 人生第一個閨蜜婚禮

由 2007做國泰地勤開始同Hoby 係training partner 至到未預到大家既將來搵到Mr Right 結婚既畫面會係點, 不過好耐以前我都曾經講過,如果我結婚要搵伴娘,佢都係我心目中既最佳人選之一, 因為在我心目中Hoby 不只是國泰airside training partner, 佢為我既付出幾乎係有戲裡面見到既閨蜜一樣孖公仔一樣咁觸動觀眾既心 (至少我呢個當事人覺得自己人生有佢好幸福)...唔係一幅 IG相, PO相上Facebook 講一句 Love you so much呃下like 架

I was a Cathay Pacific Ground staff in Airside with Hoby as training partners in 2007.  Since then, my mind was full of imaginations and questions what it would be like for Hoby and I to find Mr Right and get married?!  From then, I've decided Hoby would be one of my best person in mind to be my bridesmaid, because, Hoby was NOT just a training partner at work, she was just like one of those BFFs you hang out with in the movies, a pair of best friends who would dedicate to you enough like even audience wanted her as BFF (at least I was the lucky one when she comes in my life).  I honestly would never count my BFF for just by IG and Facebook- claiming someone's my bff over appearence or by saying "Love you so much" as my evidence.

再直接D 講, 我唔太介意有一些人係會憑咩原因叫我做閨蜜, 甚至自己係幾多人心目中既閨蜜都唔到自己有資格去measure... 但至少我試問自己叫得起做叫閨蜜既,就係Hoby對我既好而令到我一樣對今日閨蜜有一樣既付出...

Frankly speaking, I just won't mind the reason I am called a BFF by someone or even how many people would call me BFF, but at least, I treat the BFFs I have on list as good as Hoby could be to me ever since until now.

如果要講Hoby 對我點好,真係會好長編先打完....但係祝福佢新婚快樂, 我選既國語歌: 徐若瑄&曹格 I Still Believe 已經表達得到同Hoby 做training partner 同埋我地既好師父一齊係喜怒哀樂共同擁有

Hoby has always been too good to me with too many stories, but I do have a few songs that will be all my best wishes to the new page in her life- Vivian Hsu & Gary Cao- I Still Belive.  This song kept playing in my mind with memories of our training days with our coach Kenneth that we share all happy times and emotions together....

就算未來的路, 你在我心中都永久- 講到我人生既起跌,任性返英國, 失落既心情再回返香港,同8年既ex-bf 分手, 至到我結左婚之後第一次同你聚會,再講見到佢幸福出嫁, 真係我地未來既路係唔同,但個心都會對方既好...

"Even we may have different futures, you will always remain deep in my heart forever"- That's more like part of my life- Going back to UK, coming back to Hong Kong with sadness, breaking up with my long term relationship ex-boyfriend (8 years)... up til our first time reunion again after I got married, as well as Hoby's wedding- We are on a different life path but will always remember the happy memories between us. 

呢首歌亦係我第一首學國語,由唔明聽到明, 由唔識唱國語歌變到唱國語歌咬字好D同經歷左我8年既感情離合,喺Magnum 認識我老公打破左夜蒲無真愛呢個常識至到最後見到自己的雙眼裡尋找到美麗之最就係見到著上婚紗既Hoby

This song meant alot to me when I started Mandarin, from zero until being good, even with singing the right pronounciation are same to stories in my life- Breaking up from a 8 years relationship, meeting Nelson in clubbing and got married... In the end, I finally found the most beautiful of all with my own eyes!- A song in my mind during the moment I saw Hoby in her wedding dress!

You're beautiful, you're beautiful, it's true! - 我唱這首歌,為你....

為了了左祝福閨蜜出嫁呢個心願而冇上pole dance 堂既我要再繼續發奮以後跳好D...
I chose to support Hoby and wish her all the happiness but yet, skipped the pole dance lessons this Tuesday...So I better dance harder from now on!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Pole Dance x Aug 2017:朗朗的鋼管舞生涯 (8月篇~2): 出面打風,我打blog

8月23日: 今日又day off 又打風,完全係一個perfect 的一天去真真正正打blog, 亦可以再補充第一篇冇打過既人同事

23 Aug: The typhoon made today a perfect day for me to blog about pole dance and on some little things I didn't mention.

每個人決定去玩pole dance,必經階段就係瘀傷,其實我好怕痛,但為左擁有屬於自己專長既運動,我忍得痛架

Once anyone decides to take pole dance, bruises are part of the whole experience.  In fact, I am always scared of physical pains but for the sake of some ownership being good at a sport in my life, I decide to tolerate it!

我既Pole dance blog 已經有一部份既同學睇過,亦有問佢地意見同感受的, 以佢地意見如果可以加埋片會更精彩,所以唯一可以share 片既方法就係share Instagram既link

After asking opinions from other classmates, they suggested that videos should be included in the blog entries. Since the videos can't play here, I will share videos via my instagram links (Climb & Spin).

8月篇其實仲有特別相去開心share, pole dance 現在對我黎講唔只係為了自己踏近一步做一個成功既blogger,還有一份互相扶持在內
There will be some special photos in the Aug pole dance to share.  Right now, pole dance is not just one of my ways of reaching my steps to be a successful blogger, there are also love and support in every moment.

8月4有導師Kim既生日及21號有Dival生日,我揀左Christian Louboutin 唇膏送俾佢地

Aug is the birthday month of Kim (4th) and Dival (21st), they are still getting their birthday presents in the same collection (Christian Louboutin lipsticks)

Add 左Kim既facebook, 覺得佢d相好sexy,但個人真係認為,如果加支sexy紅唇膏就更突出佢每一幅相既氣場
Ever since Kim and I added each other on facebook, I find her photos are so sexy, so I think a red Christian Louboutin lipstick will definitely enhance her beauty even more.

至於Dival: 見到一支有你名既唇膏,我覺得係一份perfect的生日禮物...而且皮膚靚既你係會carry到隻色,不過可能outfit既顏色首先唔係湖水綠加埋唔紮頭髮就一定perfect! 我自己身邊既朋友之中個個都讚你靚時,不論係跳舞定打扮,我深信係難唔到Dival你去放大自己既美感

For Dival, her color is Diva 505m and that's perfect for her.  Moreover Dival has serious beautiful skin (jealous), the colour shouldn't be a problem for her. But to be fair with pros and cons, I really think outfits in darker colors and hair down would be Dival's perfect combiblnation to wear the lipstick nicely.  

Most of my friends tell me they do think Dival is beautiful. So, for dancing and for your own styling, I believe Dival has her every own way to make herself glow.

黎緊既blog entries,希望再有更多自己既進步能夠分享,同埋一個帶埋Kate去認識Dival and其他同學們,令大家既人生有更多既喜悅同互相扶持
I hope in my upcoming blog entries, there will be more improvements I can show you all and a chance for me to take Kate to meet Dival and all the other classmates for more joy and support in our lives.

Monday 14 August 2017

8月9- 波羅密素食 (尖沙咀)

又多一次同Kate一齊參與素食, 巧合係兩次都係被編排放假而有機會來,今次menu 同上次好唔同, 但係一樣冇令我失望過, 而且帶左好多新既元素, 因為整碟同分開individual 食的話個賣相亦有另一種感覺
For the 2nd time, I had another veggie dining gathering with Kate because these events took place for my day offs, which was perfect!
This time the menu is a total different set from last time but yet, I was never disappointed at all.  It also gave me a different impression since some dishes can be looked at as a whole dish and looks and feels different after serving each individual.

1。椰香養顏滋潤燉湯- Coconut soup

2。牛油果蔬菜沙律- Avocado & dragonfruit salad
係視覺上同味覺上既滿足,因為我兩樣都鍾意食 I have to say I've been satisfied by thus particular one by its outlook and taste together

3。香脆素乳豬件~Crispy roast pork

This reminds of the pekingnese duck wraps but just along with spicy powder and satay

4。香烤黑松露白靈菇~Grilled truffles
成碟野真係好似Jamie Oliver d 手勢,好彩我眼力好,睇自己鐘意食既3色椒,我一定唔會放過!
Look at this dish, looks like Jamie Oliver thing! I see my favourite peppers, I just can't miss it at all!
All the seaweed are mine!

6。川式鴛鴦口水雞 Chicken in Sichuan Chilli Sauce
So spicy that it took so long to fade off



I love those jellies. I think I will get take outs on them to treat my coworkers

呢次冇老公既陪同雖然不算大不了,不過我覺得呢次既野食佢都唔會失望,而且食唔晒有得打包俾佢,佢會更開心,不過試問有D 係好食到自己都想食多件, 亦期待冬天既火鍋可以帶老公去品嚐吧
This time, it's no big deal Nelson didn't come but I think he may like some of the dishes this time and how I wish I could have saved some for him but then... personally I couldn't help feeling I should have more.  Well, wish you were there for the wintry hot pot!

呢兩次Kate 都帶我去食素食之中既好野, 你9月返新工之前都可以試一次pole dance 同認識我一齊跳舞既同學們, 希望你人生之中可以多一份互相扶持既得著
Kate took me out twice, so before you start your new job, enjoy your trial pole dance lesson!  It would be a great opportunity for you to meet some of my classmates and gain the friendship support you deserve!

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Pole Dance x Aug 2017:朗朗的鋼管舞生涯 (8月篇~1)~兩個不同的導師

不經不覺懶打網誌既時間之間, 我人生已經多左另一個寄托-鋼管舞, 暫時只係跳了3至4個月的時間, 希望可以分享一些特別既心聲, 就是為了成為一個又曉手作又優雅地跳舞既Beauty blogger.
In between the times I didn't blog or being too lazy, I just recently started pole dancing as my new hobby.  I've been pole dancing for 3-4 months so far, so I hope I can share my thoughts and my progress so far to take myself closer to become a beauty blogger that can pole dance beautifully.

除了能成為一個較多才多藝的Beauty blogger 之外, 就是完完全全能給老公多一些唔同既新鮮驚喜- 好想未來的日子能夠在佢生日, 我地相識拍拖週年同結婚週年都可以跳舞俾他睇
Except for being a multiple skills beauty blogger, I also want to give different surprises to Nelson.  In 
our upcoming special occasions- his birthday, our first date anniversary and our wedding anniversary, I hope I can dance specially just for him!

上堂時間通常都係星期二及星期五: 教鋼管舞的老師有兩位- 星期二第一slot 係Dival, 第二slot 係 Kim, 星期五係Dival 教晒入門班同 Level 2.
There are 2 slots of pole dance lessons- Tuesday and Friday.
Tuesdays are for basic pole dances (7pm-8pm with Dival and 8:30pm-9:30pm with Kim).
Fridays are for basics at 7:30pm-8:30pm and Level 2 at 8:30pm-9:30pm, both with Dival.

第一堂(4月21): 我記得第一次已經係Kim 代堂,所以佢就我係第一個接觸既導師. 第一堂當然係艱辛, 因為由17歲冇再打空手道,已經無左筋骨既柔軟,能屈能伸基本上係我既最難解救既學問,我記得第一堂Kim已經同我講佢自己都需要一年時間先跳得好...所以我都學會左唔可以急功近利
I think it was 21 April, I've met Kim for my first time.  It's so true that my first lesson was tough.  Ever since I quitted karate lessons at age 17, my joint flexibility was declining. stretching and bending were probably my worst challenge.  I remembered Kim shared her experience with me on my day 1 and it took her at least 1 year just to dance well.  So, it's true improvements just don't come instantly or no one can wish for it desparately.

5月正式regular 一點星期二五去上堂既時間, 就開始接觸 Dival, 開頭既印象係較cool, 甚至自己都好驚做不了佢認為咩叫做得好呢個要求.... 不過慢慢呢段日子,不論係 Kim or Dival, 我上堂既時間都係過得開心及比以前輕鬆, 因為呢幾個月上堂同佢地相處定係同其他同學,都得到好多鼓勵同互相扶持
May 2017: I began to take lessons for both Tuesdays and Fridays and meeting Dival more often.  At first, I felt Dival doesn't talk much and always felt concerned if I could never become "GOOD" in matching her expectations.  But... after more lessons, regardless of Kim or Dival, all the lessons became more joyful- I got to know Kim and Dival better as well as other classmates for more support between each other.

自己天生運動一D 都唔叻,每人有樣運動叻,但係自己真係冇,但因為鋼管舞係一個最新選擇,更可以話俾人知我係一個好執著個人美感既人,所以見到自己每一次upload pole dance既片,都見到自己既進步地方改善地方,我覺得依家好多人都睇到我有所學成

I am never good at any sports throughout my life while others probably have this ownership.  But nowadays, ever since I started pole dance, it became a new choice in my life and I can tell people I am very stubborn when it comes to the aesthetic feeling for myself.

Each time I upload a video of the tricks I learnt, I will always review on improvements and now, I felt that people will see my improvements too.

Kim比較atheletics 方式去教tricks,但Dival就係慢慢從一首歌教我地掌握每一個tricks...
Kim and Dival certainly have different styles running their classes, I think Kim is more atheletics with her tricks but Dival will teach each tricks from a small part of the song.

不論呢次打blog係為share 自己呢幾個月既心聲定係日後再share 自己跳成點又好 ,希望呢個blog 可以俾到觀眾唔同既感覺, 帶出來既message 都唔只一個, 我信自己可以建立一個多才多藝既形象, 亦可能再走近做一個成功既blogger 距離時, 我都希望Kim & Dival 睇到當中我對佢地既敬愛會俾到更加多人去欣賞佢地... 仲有其他一齊學pole dance 既同學們, 如果有好野,不論係free samples 定係帶你地去玩定一齊擴闊視野, 我都一定會預適當既moment 去俾你地,為大家累積更多的歡樂

Regardless of this blog entry or the future entries sharing my thoughts these few months or sharing my dancing progress, I hope the blog entries about pole blogging will give out different messages.

I believe I will be a multi-talented blogger, and possibly now another step closer to be successful, I hope Kim and Dival will see through the respect and support I have for them in this blog.  Last but not the least, there are classmates together as well, if anything good coming up- free samples/gifts or even going out for more fun exposure, please give me a chance and a perfect moment between us to experience it together.  I want to make all of you happy!

Tuesday 1 August 2017

7月26日- 波羅密素食- Trial at Paramita Vegetarian House (D2)

人生第一個出席既blogger event 就係多得白羊女既邀請去7月26日- 波羅密素食, 所以呢一份喜悅我更要同老公分享,帶埋佢去!

26 July 2017- My very first blogger event took place at Paramita Vegetarian House as of invitation from Aries Kate.  As soon as I received this invitation, I am so happy to tell Nelson about it and I was able to invite him to share my first success too, so I took him with me.

試食既menu 有D 咩, 請睇相及相下既菜名...
Well, OK, sorry about not having the menu in English but if you do read my blog, just show the waiters and waitress the photos of what you want to order instead

1。花之戀壽司刺身- 呢個唔係第一度菜, 不過佢係最觸目全場的, 老公最鍾意的一道菜
This is like the sashimi rose thing, but it's not the first dish being served!  However, this one has the best feedback that everyone were amazed by it

2。法式多士- 素蝦, 食落真係好似pizza- Veggie Prawn toast- I think it looks like pizza, but it taskes so nice with the pumpkin soup!

3。香濃南瓜素翅羮- 我最不能決少既湯水 (The pumpkin soup was so nice that I took 3 bowls)

4。中西日小食大拼盤 (Platter)

5。三色串燒:猴頭菇,素牛柳,素雞(配秘製醬汁)- 老公話我有素牛,我就可以安心食牛
It's the grilled platters- Nelson told me I could finally eat beef without throwing up!

6。黑鑽松露石榴球- 自己個最愛
I loved this one, it's like those xiaolong dumplings!

BBQ pork with cucumber- Just not that they are NOT real meat!!

8。素海鮮黃薑紅米飯- 平時一D 都唔好炒飯既我今次真係好鍾意呢個飯
Normally, I don't eat fried rice but for this one, I gave it a chance without any hesitation and it didn't disappoint me either! Loved it!

仲有就係甜品... (Finally ends with dessert)

人生第一個blogger event 廣闊左我視野,加埋可以帶埋老公去,令佢更認識素食同可以一齊活得更健康, 除左淨係傾飲食喜好,原來大家, 包括老闆娘Maria 都好樂意分享旅行心得,加埋老公對每一碟野食既活躍好評令成枱既氣氛更開心唔陌生
This experience had broaden my views and knowledge and I was so happy to share it with Nelson together to get to know more about vegetarian cuisines and enjoy more ways to live healthier.  In this event, not all of us know each other but we all talk about different topics, even the owner Maria shared her travelling experience with us.  Moreover, Nelson was very active to speak out his positive impression on every dish he took.

希望每一位認識素食既朋友會再更上一層樓活得健康, 或者去開素食既,不妨同其他同枱既陌生人交流心得, 多一個選擇素食, 從素食減低人與人之間既距離
I hope those who already have the knowledge of vegetarian meals will take another level on a healthier lifestyle.  For those who had not yet tried vegetarian cuisines, you should enjoy the experience with hearing what other strangers on the same table have to share, so you will have more options with good vegetarian meals.  And it is a very good ice breaking type of communication to make the world a better place too!

多謝Kate 安排既event, 因為呢次event, 我地再進一步了解對方同其他blogger 點樣治療都市上俾自己壓力同減低各方面既困擾

I have to thank Kate again for this experience as we got to know each other better too.  And through other bloggers, I've learnt more ways to release from the urban stress.

波羅密素食 (荔枝角)
荔枝角長義街9號D2 Place一期3樓302舖